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Embracing the rich tapestry of diversity that defines our school community, the Chambers PTA stands as a beacon of support and enrichment for our students and their families.  Chambers PTA is excited to share the five core pillars of our mission.

We want to ensure that every student has the chance to explore, learn, and grow in a nurturing and enriching environment. Your involvement, whether through attending events, volunteering your time, or contributing monetarily, is essential to making this vision a reality. Together, we can create a dynamic and thriving educational environment that benefits every student.

Community Building

At Chambers PTA, we're passionate believers in the remarkable power of unity. And to celebrate this unity, we've meticulously crafted an exciting lineup of events designed to bring our families together like never before. Our aim is to create an atmosphere where connections flourish and joy is in abundance.

  • Welcome Back Picnic: We kick off the year with our Welcome Back Picnic, a heartwarming event where laughter and smiles reign supreme. It's the perfect way to rekindle old friendships and make new ones.

  • Harvest Hootenanny: Get ready for the Harvest Hootenanny, a celebration of all things autumn. Picture pumpkins, hayrides, and a whole lot of fun, as we revel in the season's magic together.

  • STEAM Night: Unleash Your Inner Scientist and Artist: Our Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Night is an absolute blast. Dive into hands-on experiments, artistic creations, and technological wonders that'll spark curiosity and ignite imaginations.

  • Multicultural Night: Multicultural Night is a vibrant and enriching event that brings the beauty of cultural diversity to the forefront of the school community. It's a celebration that transcends borders, language, and tradition, embracing the rich tapestry of cultures that make up the school's population.

  • Monthly Playdates: Every month, we set the stage for memorable playdates where families can come together for fun and connection. It's an opportunity to build relationships that last a lifetime.

  • Grade Level T-shirts: We believe in making our unity tangible, which is why we provide Grade Level T-shirts for all students. These shirts symbolize our shared journey and solidarity as a school community.

  • Run Club: We're not just about fun events; we're also passionate about health and wellness with Mrs. Davis.  Run Club meets once a week, fostering fitness and teamwork, and leaving our students brimming with energy and pride.

  • Popcorn Extravaganza: Who can resist the allure of popcorn? We certainly can't, which is why we provide every student with this delightful treat almost every month. It's a little bit of comfort and a whole lot of joy.


Together, we're building a vibrant and thriving community where bonds are formed, experiences are shared, and the spirit of togetherness is at its strongest. Join us in these incredible adventures and be part of the magic. Your presence and participation are the key ingredients in making our community the extraordinary place it is. Let's unite, celebrate, and create cherished memories together!


Family Resources

At Chambers PTA, we understand that a child's educational journey doesn't take place solely within the school's walls. It's a partnership that extends beyond, encompassing the entire family. To empower our families in this journey, we've meticulously curated a valuable list of Family Resources and Connections, all conveniently available at (Family, Activities, Connections, and Education).

Within this digital treasure trove, you'll uncover an extensive array of resources and support designed to help you navigate your child's educational path. Here are just a few of the invaluable types of resources you'll discover:

Regional Recreation Services,

Athletic Activities in the Surrounding Area

Free Programs, 

Parks in the Area,

Events in the Community, and

Farmers' Markets.

Resources for families that need special services,

Autism Resources,

Attention/learning resources, 

Military Resources,

Multicultural Resources, and

Resources for Guardians. 

Summer Camps

Swimming Programs

Staff Appreciation

At Chambers PTA, we hold our teachers and school staff in the highest regard. They are the dedicated individuals who stand as the bedrock of our children's growth and development. Their unwavering commitment to nurturing young minds deserves the utmost recognition. Throughout the year, we are dedicated to expressing our gratitude and ensuring they understand just how profoundly they are valued.

  • Meals and Treats: We understand the power of a shared meal, of a sweet treat, and the joy that comes from sharing a meal together. Throughout the year, we'll be organizing a series of delightful meals and treats for our teachers and staff. These moments are more than just food; they are opportunities for us to come together, share stories, and show our deep appreciation.

  • Heartfelt Gestures: Beyond nourishing the body, we also strive to nourish the hearts of our educators. With thoughtful gestures and tokens of appreciation, we let them know that their tireless efforts do not go unnoticed. Whether it's a birthday surprise, a handwritten note, or a word of encouragement, these gestures are our way of saying, "Thank you for all you do."

Our commitment to staff appreciation isn't limited to a single day or week—it's a year-round endeavor. We believe that an environment of appreciation and support empowers our teachers and staff to continue inspiring our students and fostering an atmosphere of learning and growth.

Join us in recognizing and celebrating the incredible educators who shape the future of our children. Your participation and support in staff appreciation efforts are invaluable and contribute to a school community that thrives on gratitude and respect. Together, let's ensure that our teachers and staff know they are cherished and cherished deeply.

School Backpack

School Support

Education is a journey that thrives on opportunities, and at Chambers PTA, we wholeheartedly embrace the role of providing those opportunities. We understand that it takes more than textbooks and classrooms to enrich the learning experience. That's why we're committed to supporting our school in numerous ways, ensuring that every student's educational voyage is marked by inspiration and growth.

Our promise of support encompasses a wide range of initiatives:

  • Inspiring Assemblies: We believe in broadening horizons, and inspiring assemblies are our way of doing just that. These gatherings ignite curiosity, spark imagination, and leave our students with experiences that expand their worldview.

  • Funding Field Trips: Field trips are where learning transcends the classroom, and we're dedicated to making sure these experiences are within reach for all our students. These outings are adventures that create lasting memories and offer valuable insights.

  • Grants for Dedicated Teachers: We're strong advocates of our teachers' innovative ideas. That's why we offer grants to support their projects and initiatives. These grants encourage creativity and foster a dynamic learning environment.

  • Well-Stocked Book Fair: Reading is the cornerstone of education, and our well-stocked Book Fair ensures that our students have access to a world of knowledge and imagination. It's a place where the love of reading is nurtured and celebrated.  The Book Fair also funds our library.

  • Emotional Regulation Magnets: Emotional well-being is a vital aspect of education. We funded Chamber's Emotional Regulation Magnets serve as valuable tools to help our students develop crucial emotional skills that will serve them throughout their lives.

In the past year, Chambers PTA made a remarkable direct donation of $5,500 to the school. This generous contribution is a testament to the strength of our collective efforts and the impact we can have when we work together.

The aim of our school monetary support is simple: to uplift our school community.


Chambers PTA is dedicated to enriching our students' lives through innovative programs and creative outlets. Here's how we've achieved that through the World Language Connection and the National PTA Reflections Art Contest:

World Language Connection:

Through the World Language Connection program, Chambers PTA has brought a world of opportunities to our students for an afterschool Spanish Class. This program is designed to foster a deeper understanding of global languages and cultures. 

National PTA Reflections Art Contest:

The National PTA Reflections Art Contest is an annual highlight at our school, inspiring students to channel their creativity and self-expression. Chambers PTA is helping facilitate the program this year.

These enrichment programs not only enhance language skills and artistic abilities but also cultivate a deeper sense of global awareness, creativity, and self-expression among our students. Chambers PTA remains committed to providing these enriching experiences that go beyond the classroom, nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared for a diverse and ever-evolving world.


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